- (Italiano) QUASAR™ Respiratory Motion Phantom (pRESP)
- (Italiano) Supporti per fantocci
- Hoffman 2D Brain
- Hoffman 2D Multi-Compartment
- Hoffman 3D Brain
- Flanged Jaszczak
- Flangeless Jaszczak
- Elliptical Jaszczak
- Elliptical Lung-Spine Body
- Anthropomorphic Torso
- Fillable Breast
- Cardiac Insert
- Capillary Line Fixture
- Hot Spot Insert
- Hollow Sphere 60 mm™
- Hollow Sphere Set (6)™
- Micro Hollow Sphere Set (4)™
- Nema Spect Triple Line Source
- Solid Breast Accessory Sets
- Spherical Shells
- Triple Line Insert
- NEMA PET Scatter
- (Italiano) Alderson Radiation Therapy (ART) Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ MLC Beam Geometry Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ Penta-Guide Tilt Plate
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ Winston-Lutz Wand Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ Multi-Purpose Body Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ Respiratory Motion Platform
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ GRID³ᴰ Image Distortion Analysis System
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ Penta-Guide Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ MRID³ᴰ Geometric Distortion Analysis System
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ MRI⁴ᴰ Motion Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ IsoCenter Cube Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ MRgRT Insight Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ Heavy Duty Respiratory Motion Platform
- (Italiano) Fantoccio per la verifica dei trattamenti SRS
Beta Syringe Shield
This Beta Syringe Shield reduces hand exposure from syringes containing Strontium 89, P-32, and other beta-emitting radiopharmaceuticals. The barrel of the syringe shield is constructed of clear plastic with a .062″ thick embedded lead lining, which attenuates Beta emission and errant bremsstrahlung. The lead lining is interrupted at the viewing window for clear visibility when drawing and administering the dose. A thumbscrew holds syringes firmly in place.
For pharmacies preparing a dose of Zevalin, both a 1 cc and 10 cc syringe shield are offered for the two stages of preparation. Use the 1 cc syringe shield to draw Zevalin Y-90 directly from the pharmacy’s supplied vial shield, count in a dose calibrator and inject to the reaction vial. Use the 10 cc syringe shield to draw the prepared dose from the reaction vial for patient administration.
The Manual Dose Injector is an ideal companion, providing both additional shielding and distance.