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ONIKO company has been created in 1992

ONIKO is supplier of materials and the equipment for X-ray diagnostics in Ukraine from leading world manufacturers, as well as its own manufacture.

The wide range of the equipment and materials for the industrial NDT, produced by the leading world companies, and delivered and launched by ONIKO, allows to solve the majority of problems where the information on a condition and properties of materials is required.

ONIKO also advances high technologies on clearing and disinfection of drinking water and sewage.

ONIKO® trade mark has been registered in Ukraine and Europe in 2000.
The certificate 16284 from 15.09.2000 is given out by the State department of
Intellectual property at the Ministry of Education and sciences of Ukraine.

The company began the development of individual protection means back in 2000, when the Law of Ukraine 15/98-ВР from 14.01.98 “About protection of the person against influence of an ionizing radiation” was passed and the first in the country have mastered a batch production with 2001 (the registration certificate 296/2001 from 16.08.2001), a re-registration have passed in 2006 (the registration certificate №5253/2006 from 18.07.2006. was passed.

ONIKO company has been certificated on conformity to the international standard “System of quality management ISO 9001 – 2000” in 2005 and has received the appropriating certificate. In 2008 has passed audit successfully, and as the result its action has been prolonged up to 2011.